Ladiiiies!!! It feels like it’s been forever since the last MFM post; and I’m super excited to have Jenna from, Hey It’s Jenna, debut its come back! For those that don’t know Jenna, she’s a wife, mama of three adorable little girls, blogger, insta-story comedienne, and one of the kindest girls I’ve met on Instagram. Always willing to help my hotmess self out! Now, go pour yourself a cup of joe and let’s hang out mamas!
MB: Hey girl hey! I’m so excited to have you join us for Mom Friend Monday! You are such a fun mama to follow on Instagram – always keeping it real, while sharing the joys of motherhood with your followers. Was being a mom something you had always hoped to become?
Jenna: Oh yes! My mom was one of five. Growing up, I always loved the big parties during the holiday season, and the summer pool parties, with all the cousins. I’m Polish, so I’m basically made for birthing children, and originally, David and I had talked about having FIVE of our own!
MB: That’s too funny! I’m one of five, and am part Polish on my mom’s side. Oh, and I have always wanted five littles myself! Though granted Theo is like two littles in one, so it’s kind of like I have four already hah! Your girls are beautiful! McFarland babies are clearly needed in this world!
Something I learned quickly when I become a mama, is that staying home while rewarding, can also be emotionally draining. Many moms feel as though they’ve lost a bit of who they are, putting their kids first. How do you balance giving to your kids each day, while not losing who you are?
Jenna: David and I make time for each other every Friday night as a “date night”. We make sure we have a sitter for the girls, and go out to dinner, go see friends, go kick ass at Dave and Busters, etc. It’s so important to make time for our marriage/being an adult around other adults. Admittedly, in the winter, date night is like the only time I leave the house all week, so it’s nice to have scheduled adult-human contact in the calendar 😉
MB: I love that idea! I feel like some couples get bogged down with the thought of maybe not being able to afford a weekly date night, but there are so many great at home dates, or cheap date ideas out there! Heck going for a walk and talking is a great way to reconnect! It’s great that y’all put each other first in this manner, what a great example for the girls! What would you say is your strength as a mama, and what would you say is your weakness?
Jenna: I’ll say my weakness first, because I said it out loud as I read the question: patience. I lose my patience soooo easily. And I am guilty of telling my girls to hurry up. I cringe every time I say it, and I am working on it! My strength? I would say holidays in general is my strength. I go way overboard with decorations, festive food, and gifts, but seeing the looks on the girls’ faces when they wake up Christmas morning, starting to work on our Halloween costumes in July, or their giggles when we make homemade heart-shaped pizza for Valentine’s Day is kind of where it’s at for me. Maybe I was an elf in a past life.
(Love these blankets?! Keep an eye out on Instagram today for a change to enter a Stella & Lu Giveaway!)
MB: What lucky girls! The holidays are already so special, that I’m sure you make it truly unforgettable for them! So many of us, before having kids, say we will never do this or never do that. Is there something you said you would never do but now do?
Jenna: Can I differ this to my mom to answer? HA! I probably told her 500 times that I would never be like her, and now I’m calling her to tell her “Oh, you’ll never guess what I did/said!” One that sticks out is telling my mom repeatedly how gross it was that she kept wadded up tissues in her purse (but really, you couldn’t tell if they were used or not!), and now, I’m guilty of diaper-muling a dirty diaper in my Louis Vuitton and having actual used tissues in my bag. I guess things just aren’t as gross when they’re your kids’ boogers and stuff?!
MB: That’s too funny! I totally say things, pause, and realize my mom or dad just came out of my mouth haha. I guess we are destined to be like them in some ways. Because we are all nosey, what’s in your morning cup?
Jenna: Honestly, I am not the biggest coffee person. I drink Sugar Free Red Bull!
MB: That explains a lot! 😉 If you could plan your ultimate mom friend getaway where would you go and what would you do?
Jenna: Would it be weird if I said Disney?? Like, a bunch of awesomely nerdy moms running around Disney without kids to keep track of, kissing Gaston, and eating churros all day? Sounds pretty ultimate to me.
MB: Heck no, that sounds like so much fun! But only if we (yep, I just invited myself) get to wear mouse ears! Lastly, if you could impart some mom wisdom on our readers, what would it be?
Jenna: Time is a thief and comparison is the thief of joy.
MB: Oh girl – this is perfect wisdom! Especially now-a-days with social media. It’s so easy to compare ourselves to those we see. I think 1) like you said, comparison is the thief of joy! and 2) people choose what they post and share with the world, it isn’t always a beautifully filtered reality behind the scenes! Live your little moments and enjoy your life! Jenna, thanks so much for joining us, it’s always so fun!
Jenna: Thank you so much for having me! You know I’ll always jump at a chance to talk about me 😉
Such amazing mom wisdom from such an amazing mom! She is so down to earth, and always brightens your day with her posts! So let’s make more mom friends and give her a follow!
Blog Hey, It’s Jenna
YouTube – y’all she makes the best family music videos!
*photography credit: Michelle Corinne Photography
Thanks so much for asking me to do this! So fun!!