Woah baby! The past few days have been a whirlwind! I know you all missed my enthralling posts – but I promise I have a good reason, or reasons for going MIA.
1. S sprouted (yep sprouted) a fever out of nowhere. So taking care of a sick toddler with a super active toddler while pregnant = no writing.
2. We had to pack and prepare for our Easter beach weekend where EM converted to Catholicism!!! *post on that tomorrow*
4. We had to get 18 people checked out of a house (6 being under the age of 3) before 10…thankfully EM got it extended to noon
5. Theo is STILL sick, if not worse – bar no fever – so…here we are on a Tuesday.
Phew! Now that that is out-of-the-way, I’m so glad y’all are joining me after my wee hiatus because we get to hangout with one of my favorite mamas! Amy O’Connell of Our Family Fiat! This lady is someone who brings joy to all she meets! So grab your “I need to recover from the amazing weekend” cup, sit down, get comfy, and let’s chit-chat!
MB: Hey Amy! So excited to have you join us for Mom Friend Monday – on a Tuesday! Though we haven’t met in person you have become a dear friend and I can’t wait for everyone to get to know you a bit better! So let’s dive in!
What made you decide to start blogging; and what’s it like trying to juggle blogging while being the mama to two of the sweetest twins I ever did see?
As for juggling this business I’ve created and being a mom, it is hard at times but it works out well as long as I am intentional about my time. During nap times and after the girls are asleep are my havens. I like to treat blogging like a job so I have set times to write and I get out of the house if necessary to take it seriously.
MB: I didn’t know that you had your blog squirreled away unpublished; I’m so glad you decided to take the plunge and share it with the world! It’s such fun to read! And I totally do the “set times to write” method as well. My kids come first – as shown from this past week/weekend. Being intentional about our time is so important!
I know so many mamas mention how they want to start a blog yet don’t know where to start or what to talk about. I must admit I’ve been in those shoes, feeling as though I had nothing to say, or that no one would want to listen. How did you find your voice?
I think finding my voice came from the journey of letting myself go. When I felt the freedom to create without limiting myself is when I was able to find out exactly what my style, purpose, message and voice all was.
MB: Omgoodness YES! Turn that voice off! That was definitely what kept me back before. I couldn’t agree more that creative people can end up being the most self-critical and boy did I fall victim to that! It’s great that you were able to recognize that and turn it off. Then write out of enjoyment and love for writing.
If you could plan your ultimate mom friend getaway where would you go and what would you do?
Amy: So a getaway with friends has to include a wine cafe. The “ultimate” part makes me want to pick somewhere exotic and fancy like the Greek Isles, but I know that in reality the best getaways are the one hour drives to a more remote town near you, where you realize that there is so much beauty in your own backyard.
MB: Hello Greece! Though you’re totally right! It’s fun exploring our own back yard! You do that a lot with your family, which is so great! I love reading about y’alls adventures! I feel as though it’s especially important when raising kids – showing them that there is beauty and excitement to be found even close to home.
Lastly, if you could impart some mom wisdom on our readers, what would it be?
Amy: I haven’t been a mother that long, but the number one thing I’ve learned is the need to be flexible and the need to have grace. Don’t be hard on yourself. There are enough assholes in the world who are waiting to give you crap at every turn. Know that being a mom is tough and it’s okay that it’s tough, but you need to cheer yourself along. You’ve got this!
MB: PREACH SISTER!! There really are so many assholes out there and we can’t turn into our own worst enemy! I think trying to put things in perspective and hearing “you’re doing a great job” even on our worst days is key to helping us not over criticize. Love that! “You’ve got this” mamas!!
MB: Well thanks so much for joining us today Amy! It was so much fun!
For those that don’t know, Amy was published in Scary Mommy for this amazing post 10 Times Making Mom Friends is Exactly Like Dating, be sure to check it out!!
Also, don’t forget to follow Amy for more adorable pics of her beautiful twin girls!
Instagram @amyoconn AND subscribe to her blog, Our Family Fiat (no it isn’t about her family traveling in Fiat – check out her blog to learn more) and maybe google what Fiat means!
Hope y’all enjoyed meeting one of my favorite people and just maybe it inspired one of y’all to take the plunge and begin blogging for yourself! You have a voice, just turn off the self-doubt and write!
Amy is amazing!! I am glad you found each other!